Vulva Surgery: An Overview

The term ‘vulva surgery‘ refers to a range of medical procedures focusing on the female external genitalia, which is collectively known as the vulva. These procedures can either be medically necessary – such as in cases of malignancies, trauma, and congenital anomalies – or elective, as is the case with aesthetic or ‘cosmetic’ gynecology.

Over recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on the importance of women’s sexual health and satisfaction, leading to an increase in the number of these surgeries performed worldwide.

Reasons for Vulva Surgery

The reasons for seeking vulvar surgery vary widely. For some women, it is a means of addressing physical discomfort caused by oversized or asymmetrical labia. For others, it may involve procedures to mitigate the effects of vulvar cancers, cysts, or birth defects, such as correcting a congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).

Last but not least, there are those who choose vulva surgery purely for aesthetic reasons, sometimes under the broader category of ‘body contouring’ procedures. This may involve labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, or vaginoplasty.

Types of Vulva Surgery

There are several types of vulva surgeries, the most common of which include:

  • Labial reduction or labiaplasty: trimming the inner lips of the vulva.
  • Labial augmentation: enhancing the fullness of the labia majora through fat grafting or fillers.
  • Clitoral hood reduction: removing excess skin around the clitoris.
  • Vulvectomy: removal of part or all the vulva, often as part of cancer treatment.

Surgical Procedure and Recovery

Vulva surgery is typically an outpatient surgery using local anesthesia or, in more sensitive cases, general anesthesia. The recovery period largely depends on the complexity of the procedure but can range from a few days for minor interventions to several weeks for more extensive surgeries.

As with any surgery, there are risks and potential complications, including bleeding, infection, changes in sensation, and dissatisfaction with the aesthetic result. These risks can be minimized by selecting an experienced and qualified surgeon, rigorous pre-operative assessment, and excellent post-operative care.

Parallel with Male Genital Surgery

Just like vulva surgery for women, surgical procedures targeting the male genitalia, such as cosmetic penile enhancement la augmentation, are also increasing in demand. These surgeries can include lengthening and girth enhancement procedures, penal straightening, and even scrotal lifts. The motivations behind these procedures are similarly diverse, encompassing aesthetic goals, improved sexual function, or resolving congenital or acquired deformities.


Vulva surgery can make a significant difference to a woman’s quality of life, whether it’s relieving physical discomfort, enhancing sexual function, or improving self-esteem and body image. It is crucial for a patient to fully understand the risks, benefits, and potential outcomes of these procedures in consultation with a skilled and empathetic surgeon.