Is Your Ex Boyfriend Over You? Don’t Give Up Yet!}

Submitted by: Anthony Malibu

How do you know if your ex boyfriend still loves you? Are there ways to tell if he still has feelings, or are you just holding on to false hope?

So he dumped you… and he hasn’t called. Your ex boyfriend hasn’t emailed you, text-messaged you, or contacted you in days. Is it over? Or is there a way you can still win him back?

When it comes to losing a relationship, there’s always good news and bad news. Let’s start with the bad news first.

Your Ex Boyfriend Will Always Push You Away… Initially

Although all breakups are different, there are many things they also share in common. And when it comes to guys? There are a number of irrefutable truths you first need to face, before setting your feet on the correct path to getting your ex boyfriend back.

Right after breaking up with you, your boyfriend will


seek to distance himself from you. Very quickly he’ll break contact, refuse your calls, and try to stay as far away from you as possible. This scares most women to death, because they take this behavior as a sign of rejection. To you, it seems like your ex just doesn’t care anymore.

Truthfully however, your ex is distancing himself for a number of reasons. First and foremost: he feels weirded out around you. Right now you’re no longer his girlfriend, but he also knows you still love him. Just being around you might give you the wrong idea, and so your ex will avoid contact altogether rather than send any kind of mixed signals.

Also, keep in mind that your boyfriend just made a hard decision: to break off your relationship. When he did this, he made the decision alone… without you, or your input. Your ex did this for a reason, and that reason is because he knew you’d try and talk him out of the breakup. Rather than give you the chance to do this, he bolted.

So right now you’re broken… alone… scared… you think this lack of contact on your ex’s part translates to a complete lack of caring or love for you. It seems like your ex boyfriend is over you completely, and so any attempts at getting him back will end in dismal failure.

Alright – enough gloom. Let’s move on to the good news:

Despite The Breakup, Your Boyfriend Still Has Strong Feelings and Emotions For You

It’s true: your ex still loves you, even after dumping you and running away. The emotional bonds you formed over the course of your relationship are

just as important to him as they are to you

. The only difference? He chooses right now to ignore those bonds, and push aside those feelings. You on the other hand, are trying to embrace them.

Right after breaking up with you, your ex knows the best course of action is to shove you away. This is why you shouldn’t give up just yet: because those feelings are still there. Your boyfriend still remembers the great times you shared, the things you did, and the love you had for each other. But in an effort to move forward without you, he’s placed those memories on a shelf.

It’s your job to pull those memories out and dust them off. You need to bring them out and show them to him, so that your ex sees what he’s going to miss. The first rule of getting your boyfriend back is rather simple: you need to

make him miss you

. Once you can do that, getting him to go out with you again is just a few steps away.

How To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Again

Making your ex want you back takes a systematic, step-by-step approach. It’s not something you can do right away, and this is why it’s always bad to contact your ex immediately after the break up. By distancing


from the situation, you’re creating longing. You’re taking yourself out of your exboyfriend’s line of sight, and therefore away from his life. This is when he’ll start to miss you again.

Understand something: those emotions and feelings aren’t going to go away overnight. Therefore, you don’t need to chase your ex right away. As much as it hurts right now… as much as it seems you need to take immediate action? By not chasing your ex boyfriend you actually


taking action.

By NOT running after him and NOT letting him know how needy and desperate you are, your ex boyfriend actually starts to realize something important: he stands to lose you. This is a tremendously critical part of winning your boyfriend back. By disappearing from his life for a while, you’re creating a hole in his heart… right where you used to be. And when your ex doesn’t know what you’re doing? A sense of urgency is created, because he’s not yet ready to let you go.

Even though he broke up with you, your boyfriend didn’t want to lose you

all at once

. He’d much rather you sit around and pine for him, like a lovestruck puppy. This gives him the confidence to move forward and date other people, all the while knowing he can still get you back. But once he thinks he


get you back anymore? All bets are off.

So is your ex boyfriend over you? Not even close. If you’re willing to take a proactive approach to getting back together again, there are methods and techniques you can use to place yourself right back in your ex’s head… and his heart.

About the Author: There are 8 Individual Steps that will help in

Winning Your Boyfriend Back

, so find out what they are! The sooner you get started on the path to reconciliation, the faster you can reverse your breakup and

Get Your Ex Back



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