How To Increase Sperm Volume For Better Male Fertility

By Chris Chew

There are many benefits for men to increase their sperm volume. Having more load means that there will be more muscle contractions in the penile area and thus contributing to longer and more pleasurable orgasms. Won’t you like that?

It is also known that not only do men derive orgasmic pleasure from discharging higher volume of sperm, some women also enjoy the sensation of longer and more discharge from their men during sexual intercourse. The male ego is also gratified as certain men feel good at being able to shoot more load while others seek to impress their partners by doing so.

For people who want to create babies, more sperm volume can equate to more sperm count and therefore is a boost to the male virility and fertility. In case you are concerned about the quantity of semen you ejaculate, let me just say that there are several natural ways to help you increase your sperm production.

So how can we increase our sperm volume? Well, you may start out with being well hydrated. This is so that your body can use the fluids to improve sperm production. So drink plenty of plain water and avoid food and drinks that will dehydrate you like alcohol consumption.


Talking about alcohol, this substance also reduces your testosterone production and thus will have a negative effect on your body to produce more sperm and can also give rise to erectile dysfunction.

Next, consume more foods containing zinc and essential fatty acids like omega-3. This is because they help to increase your natural production of testosterone that leads to an increase in your sperm volume and male virility. Do note that zinc deficiency has been linked to reduced ejaculation volume and sperm count and thus may result in fertility problems. If you can’t get enough zinc and omega-3 from your daily food consumption, then you may consider supplementing with them.

You should also have enough sleep and exercise regularly. Your body produces the highest amount of growth hormones and testosterone during your sleep and thus the greatest volume of sperm. This is why you have that morning call erections. Regular exercise also helps to increase your natural production human growth hormones as well as testosterone.

There are also over the counter herbal supplements that can give you harder erections as well as increasing your sperm load such as L-arginine, L-carnitine, Horny goat weed, Saw palmetto and L-glysine just to name a few. However, most of the sperm volume enhancement supplements are a mixture of various types of ingredients including those mentioned earlier.

These supplements actually do more than increasing your sperm volume as they also facilitate blood flow to your penile area and thus can give you harder erections. When your erections are harder, your muscular contractions during your ejaculations are also stronger and thus can help you to discharge more sperm as well as increasing your orgasmic pleasure during your climax.

It is for these reasons that these herbal supplements have grown to be very popular for men looking to be more fertile, to increase sperm volume and sperm count as well as for guys suffering from erectile dysfunction problems.

So if you want to have longer and more pleasurable orgasm or better male fertility through having more sperm volume, just follow this guide and see what happens when you reach your climax the next time with explosive sperm load.

About the Author: Chris Chew is a much sought after health, fitness and relationship consultant who counts models, actors and other celebrities as his clients. Read his free articles at

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