Restoring Your Digestive Health How Do You Start?}

Submitted by: Xylene Belita

Restoring your digestive health should become your priority, especially if you are:

1. Ageing. The digestive system weakens as you advance in years, whether you like or not. You may perhaps only delay the process of ageing, but it is inevitable.

2. Having an upset stomach after eating a heavy meal.


3. Experiencing frustration because you cannot eat the foods you want to eat. You used to feast on creamy pastas, salads, and the like, but lately eating dishes with milk or cream gets you to the bathroom fast. Good if your stools are solid and well-formed, but they are not. And they also stink. Eating certain kinds of foods also makes you feel bloated and dizzy, and sometimes, you end up vomiting them.

All these indicate that your digestive system is not at the peak of its health anymore. But this does not mean that you will just have to let things be, because restoring your digestive health is still possible. For those in their golden years with digestion problems, however, getting their digestive system to function normally can be quite difficult, especially since most of them no longer have teeth to thoroughly chew the foods that they eat, and chewing as you must know is a very important step in the digestion process. Chewing causes the food to be broken down into smaller pieces, and chewing also facilitates the production of enzyme-rich saliva. Getting the digestive system of the aged to work normally is like restoring an old car to road-worthy condition. Still, it’s not impossible, especially in this time and age when digestive aids in all forms and sizes are available.

Among the more popular digestive aids you can find these days are digestive health supplements. Some contain just one particular enzyme, but others contain a blend of the different digestive enzymes. You will have to determine first and foremost the enzymes that you are in need of. Anyhow, you will find these supplements in the form of capsule or tablet or a cross between the two. Depending on their formulation, digestive enzyme supplements may be taken with meals or on an empty stomach. And how many caplets you need to take may depend on the potency of the enzymes present, as well as your body needs. You must have your doctor determine this for you so you will not take more or less than what is necessary.

You can also turn to “green drinks” to restore your digestive health. Green drinks are formulated with live enzymes from various plant sources. You can make your own green drink by simply taking the juice from raw vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately, you may need a special kind of equipment for this. The regular fruit juicer or blender may not be powerful enough or effective enough to remove the juice from some vegetables.

Probiotic drinks and yogurt also help to boost intestinal health. This is because these beverages have millions of good bacteria which do a lot of good to your general well being, besides restoring your digestive health.

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